Articles & News

Focus on: Gorse

Written by Russell Firth | 13-Sep-2015 04:00:00

Although previously used throughout Australia as a hedge plant, Gorse has now been declared as a weed of national significance due to its highly invasive nature and potential to spread. The Gorse plant is highly flammable, provides a habit for feral animals such as foxes and rabbits and limits access and progress to livestock by hindering access.

Gorse is a prolific seeds, capable of producing up to 6 million seeds per year per hectare. The seeds fall from the original plant creating dense thickets but the seed pods can also shoot seeds as far as 5 metres. Small birds and ants also carry the seeds further afield to begin new infestations and seeds can be disturbed in the soil by cultivation and farm machinery. Broken root fragments can also regenerate in the soil.

Capable of growing to heights of up to 3 metres, Gorse is easily identifiable by its bright yellow pea shaped flowers, green to brown prickly stems and waxy leaves with brown to black seed pods. Each seed has a water resistant coating that enables them to lay dormant in the soil for up to thirty years. The root stems of Gorse is extensive with deep and extensive roots that are difficult to remove without causing further spread.  

Controlling established infestations of Gorse is difficult and time consuming, so it is essential that follow up treatments are made and landowners are vigilant to the spread of the weed on their property.

During spring to early autumn, young Gorse plants which are actively growing are susceptible to a range of herbicides. As infestations can become dense, you may need to clear an access route to target plants in the centre. Using a compact yet powerful spray unit that is easily transportable in such situations is key to effective spraying of Gorse, the Spray Marshal Plus + unit from Rapid Spray offers an ideal solution for spraying these hard to reach areas due to its integrated carry handles, lightweight construction and powerful motor ensuring full foliar coverage. Click here to find out more.

Do not treat Gorse plants whilst they are flowering and return to the infestation after twelve months of the initial treatment to target any regrown and to apply more herbicide if necessary.

For further help and advice on the best spray equipment to treat Gorse, contact Rapid Spray on 1800 011 000 or click here to view the innovative spray products range.